October | 10/9/20


June | 6/3/20 - PRESENT


Amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, our club remained active by raising money for the March of Dimes, a nonprofit organization that strives to improve the health of mothers and babies, through an app called Charity Miles, which converts your steps into money to contribute towards your selected charity (March of Dimes).
"Charity Miles lets you turn a neighborhood jog or weekend hike into a fundraiser for good. Just choose a charity and get moving. The app tracks your movement. For every mile you log, you help to earn money for your chosen charity."
Please join our team Millennium Key Club on Charity Miles! Click here to join now using a smartphone or tablet.

June | 6/2/20

Club Meet and Kahoot! Join us for the Club Meet at 7 PM to open up the service year of 2020-2021. Get to know your new board and meet other members of the club through our virtual meeting on Google Meets which can be accessed through the link provided below. Stay for a fun game of Kahoot which will reveal fun facts about other members which you may not know or to get to know them better. Hope to see you there!!  

Access to Google Meets linked here: https://meet.google.com/nrx-zrob-qsj

January | 1/28/20

Elections are coming up! Planning to get a higher position? Shoot your shot guys! I believe that all of you are capable of becoming that "leader" you say you will be on your future college application. 

Committees! There are currently two committees so far that are eligible for gaining Key Club awards! They are Scrapbook committee and Newsletter Committee. You can still join if you haven't yet already, just talk to one of the board members and we'll take note that you have joined the committee. The difference between the two is that scrapbook will be a physical scrapbook while the newsletter is similar but instead, hosts past events that have been done and basically market ourselves to the public of our achievements bi-monthly. If you haven't yet already seen, please check out our past newsletter in the Newsletter tab of the website, thanks!

Candy Grams! We plan to sell candy grams to fund raise for LTC and we will also be making valentine's day cards to donate them to kids in hospitals or seniors in nursing homes! 



LTC (leadership training conference) and if you don't know what LTC is, basically its a three day, two night event at Albany, Desmond Hotel where we have an annual gathering of Key Clubbers from all over New York to celebrate a successful service year and the beginning of a new one. Participate in workshops, network with other Key Club members, elect district-wide officers, and enjoy a high spirited, fun-filled weekend. We recommend everyone to come because although you will be missing one day of school, you will be with the board members on this overnight trip to learn how to become a more professional person as well as network with other key clubbers. The cost is currently around 300 dollars but with more fundraising, we can lower the price. LTC will be taking place March 27-29.

      Priority Registration: Feb 21st
      Final Registration: March 2nd
      Payment Due: March 13th

Point System: Check it out in the above tabs on the top right. 

Merchandise: Buy our sweater and proudly represent our club! Also its winter so like why not? You can also use it as your millennium gym clothes. Price is $20. Please bring your money to the treasurer and make sure your full name is marked down.

Contribute to our Newsletter: If you went to an event in the months between November and December, we highly encourage you to participate in writing a short article for our newsletter so you can share your experience on how it went (plus it will be living evidence of your time in Key Club and you can do a subtle flex to your friends, or colleges, about). To participate, find the newsletter tab on this website for more details. Also keep in mind that when you are sending photos, just email us instead of submitting it in the form because google drive can be sucky (-_-) and it makes our lives so much easier. Email us whatever floats your boat.


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